A Christmas Gift
A literally touching moment with a client, in her late 80’s, in the late stages of dementia: I have been giving Mrs Y reflexology for several years and communication is now almost impossible. Last year, during a hand session, Mrs Y suddenly took my hand and began to give me reflexology. She walked her thumbs back and forward across my hands exerting pressure and stimulating every centimetre, just as she had experienced with me. Despite her extreme cognitive impairment she had observed and registered these moves and wanted to help me. This continued for 5 minutes until she had worked both hands and I asked a carer in the residential home to take this photo. Mrs Y is now very fragile and much more withdrawn but two weeks ago she took my hands and tried once more to press and work all the reflexes! I was so moved and, as I thanked her, she looked me straight in the eye and gave a most lovely smile. She then retreated back into her quiet and confused world. To me this was a real Christmas gift.
January 2018