Recommended organisations: details below
Advanced Reflexology Techniques (ART),
Association of Reflexologists (AoR),
International Institute of Reflexology (IIR)
Story Massage : Atkinson, Mary : Author & Tutor
Contemporary Reflexology College founded by Allison Walker
Reflexology Academy London Founded by Hagar Basis
Reflexology Association of America (RAA)
Reflexmaster – Dr Carol Samuel
Spanish Reflexology Association
Advanced Reflexology Techniques (ART)
An introduction by Tony Porter:
Not all reflexology is the same. The way that reflexology is generally accepted and described is that of a relaxation therapy, indeed it does produce a state of relaxation and invigoration, but its full potential is not generally recognised because the most effective techniques are not being used by the majority of reflexologists. Most of the techniques taught and used barely scratch the surface of therapeutic effectiveness!
Since I started as a reflexologist in London in 1972, I have continually experimented and then monitored the effects of different techniques and approaches to reflexology. Like me, I am sure that you have realised that reflexology is something of a conundrum – certain patients respond easily while others do not. Some feet are a pleasure to work on, while others present a real challenge, Advanced Reflexology Techniques can overcome these problems.
Association of Reflexologists (AoR)
The AoR is the largest, leading independent professional body of its kind for Reflexologists. It is based in the UK.and can provide details of qualified accredited reflexologists who are members.
The AoR exists to promote and progress reflexology providing support for over 8,000 members throughout the UK and overseas. Our members are qualified practitioners, or those undergoing training for a professional qualification.
They provide support for our members in the form of training, advice and guidance, publications and events, and set standards for the education of Reflexologists.
The AoR is a member of the Reflexology Forum, Reflexology in Europe Network and the International Council for Reflexologists. The AoR is a non-profit making organisation managed by an annually elected Board supported by the AoR Chief Executive.
For more information, visit www.aor.org.uk
Atkinson, Mary: Author & Tutor
Complementary Therapist, Tutor and Author
Specialising in Massage, Indian Head Massage and Reflexology
Introducing Story Massage – Interactive Massage for Children www.storymassage.co.uk
Healing Touch for Children by Mary Atkinson: Published by Gaia price £12.99
This is a beautifully illustrated book, with easy to follow instructions, it is a pioneering book. I just wish I had it available when my children growing up. I will be recommending it to my patients with young children, and for grandparents it will make a great gift”
Dr Craig G Brown, GP and trustee of the British Medical Association.
For more information on Mary Atkinson’s books and courses consult her website: www.maryatkinson.com
Contemporary Reflexology College offers the highest qualification in Reflexology in the UK today.
This Reflexology practitioner course is for caring people wanting to make a difference to peoples’ health and wellbeing by creating unique bespoke sessions incorporating progressive techniques to aid fast and effective healing. Reflexologists are busy when clients see and feel the difference and recommend their practitioner. With this high quality training you have the potential to be a highly skilled, highly qualified and successful practitioner.
Contemporary Reflexology College founded by Allison Walker
Contemporary Reflexology College also offers Continuing Professional Development Courses for qualified Reflexologists who want cutting edge and specialist techniques to offer their clients. The main Reflexology Practitioner courses are run near Birmingham, Manchester and Lichfield with CPD courses offered in these and other locations throughout the UK.
Freephone for landline users: 0808 108 8311
Mobile: 07990 521524
International Institute of Reflexology (IIR)
The International Institute of Reflexology is the oldest established reflexology teaching organisation in the world and is dedicated to teaching the Original Ingham Method of Reflexology worldwide. The Institute was formed in 1952 in response to huge international demand for tuition. It is dedicated to teaching the correct Ingham Method thereby perpetuating the work of its founder, Eunice Ingham.
The International Institute of Reflexology is a founder member of The Reflexology Forum and has been accredited by the Open and Distance Learning Quality Council (ODL QC), an independent, government approved council requiring the highest standard.
The International Institute of Reflexology is a founder member of The Reflexology Forum and has been accredited by the Open and Distance Learning Quality Council (ODL QC), an independent, government approved council requiring the highest standard.
For more information, visit www.reflexology-uk.net Attention Vicky Laws
To read about world-side IIR topics, visit the IIR’s American website:
Reflexology Academy London Founded by Hagar Basis
Reflexology education to the highest standards including ART classes.
The Reflexology Acadamy is a forward thinking school committed to providing a high standard of training and continuous professional development in the field of reflexology. The Academy is the only provider of the new and fully accredited Level 5 Reflexology Practitioner course in London, and is the highest level of professional reflexology training offered in the UK
ART – stands for Advanced Reflexology Techniques and is taught at Reflexology Academy as part of our on-going CPD Advanced Reflexology Training Programme. ART was pioneered and developed by Tony Porter over 35 years of accumulated clinical experience.
“Anthony discovered that a painful reflex does NOT always mean a pathological disturbance in a corresponding organ – it is the reflex texture which is important in detecting whether a disturbance is present! In fact sensitive reflexes can mean a better prognosis for a sick patient.”.
Reflexology Association of America (RAA)
The Reflexology Association of America has been serving the needs of its members since 1995 and is dedicated to unifying all reflexologists for the recognition, excellence and professional strength of Reflexology. RAA membership is voluntary and open to all professional reflexologists, Reflexology schools, students, and others who wish to support the growth of Reflexology in America.
For more information visit www.reflexology-usa.org
Reflexology Association of Australia (RAA)
The Reflexology Association is an independent, non-profit organisation. The Reflexology Association offers members an opportunity to be involved in the evolution of Reflexology in Australia.
The Reflexology Association of Australia is committed to further education and offers a structured programme of Continual Professional Training which enhances the professional life of all practitioners. Members also receive the quarterly magazine Footprints, full of interesting articles and notices of forthcoming events.
For more information, visit www.reflexology.org.au
Reflexmaster with Dr Carol Samuel
This website belongs to Carol Samuel PhD and was set up primarily to provide evidence-based information for reflexologists and other healthcare professionals interested in developing their skills in the management of pain and other conditions through the use of reflexology. It also provides information on some of the research associated with reflexology and pain management; links to a variety of websites that offer CPD courses for practitioners, and links for clients who wish to make use of internet support structures in managing their pain.
For more information, visit www.reflexmaster.co.uk
Spanish Reflexology Association
EDIREFLEX- Association for the study of Reflexologies is an independent, non-profit organisation whose aim is the promotion of Reflexology, as a qualified profession to the public and to create a support network for reflexologists in Spain. The Association is committed to Continued Professional Development offering their members preferential access to postgraduate reflexology courses, free monthly workshops and free monthly treatment exchanges.
for more information visit: https://www.edireflex.com